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Dear Partners and Supporters of SIM,


Regional conflicts and economic challenges have prompted significant movements of people in recent years, exacerbating the plight of the disadvantaged and marginalized. Economic collapse, political instability, and natural disasters have intensified these challenges, leading to widespread hopelessness and a desire to emigrate.

This is a region with a history of Christianity as old as the gospel itself, but while many claim to know of Jesus, few have really encountered Him. Spiritual conversations come readily for those with the time and willingness to invest in relationships, witnessing with their lives and testimony. People are asking questions like never before, seeking to connect with scripture and Christians who can explain it.

It is a region characterised by both mass displacement and suffering but also much affluence and rapid development. There are great challenges to help small communities of believers cross barriers and reach out with Christ’s compassion. In the midst of this complexity many are finding hope, peace, and life in Christ.

Come hear stories of faith and resilience from our workers who serve in this complex region.


Date​​ 2025 Mar 6
Time:7:30 (Singapore Time)
Zoom  :  Information on Zoom call will be sent to registered participants. Click here to register, or write to to register.
Tel       :  +65 6298 3611 

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